General Overview
TECHPROGRESS is a non-profit Association. The Association is a legal person, which is established in accordance with the requirements of Art. 37-44 of the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities in Bulgaria. The Association is a voluntary, independent non-profit organization for carrying out activities in PUBLIC BENEFIT, within the meaning of Article 2 and Article 38, paragraph 1 of the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities and subject to registration under the same law. The activity of the Association is not limited by a term or other termination condition. The Association emerged as a legal person on the day of its entry in the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities. The Association is separate from its members and is responsible for its obligations with its property. The members of the Association are responsible for its obligations only up to the amount of the property contributions provided in the Statute of the Association. The Association is based on voluntary membership, mandate and periodic accountability of governing bodies, self-governing, democratic, non-religious, non-governmental and politically independent organization.
The Association is going to operate under the name TECHPROGRESS, which can be further written in English as follows: TECHPROGRESS Association. Each written statement on behalf of the Association must contain its name, registered office, address, registration details, including UIC number.
Headquarters and address
The headquarters and address of management of the TECHPROGRESS Association is in Sofia, 1700, Vitosha quarter, 1 Yordan Stubel Str., ent. B, fl. 3, apt. 20
TECHPROGRESS Association expresses its will and performs legal actions through its bodies. It is represented by a GENERAL MANAGER in accordance with the provisions of Article 30, paragraph 3 of the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities, who performs his functions in accordance with the powers given to him by the Statute of the Association and the decisions of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY.
Management Bodies of the Association
The collective supreme governing body of the Association is the GENERAL ASSEMBLY, consisting of all members of the Association. Governing bodies that are elected and have a governing mandate are:
1. The MANAGEMENT BODY of the Association is the GENERAL MANAGER.
2. The SUPERVISORY BOARD, elected by the GENERAL ASSEMBLY and consists of three MEMBERS.
General Assembly
Powers of the General Assembly:
1. Amends and supplements this Statute;
2. Adopts other internal acts necessary for the activity;
3. Elects and dismisses the Management Body;
4. Elects and dismisses members of the Supervisory Board;
5. Accepts and expels members of the Association;
6. Adopts the main guidelines for the activities of the Association;
7. Approves the budget of the Association;
8. Approves the annual report on the activity of the Management Body;
9. Approves the annual financial report of the Association;
10. Takes decisions for opening and closing of branches, for participation of the Association in other organizations;
11. Takes a decision for transformation and termination of the activity of the Association;
12. Determines the type and amount of the membership fee, as well as decides on the collection of additional or extraordinary contributions;
13. Takes decisions for concluding contracts for more than 3 years, as well as for disposing of the real estate of the Association, for securing obligations with it, for establishing limited real rights and in general for encumbering it with encumbrances;
14. Annuls the decisions of the Management Body or another governing body which:
14.1. Contradict the law, the Statute, the decisions of the General Assembly and other internal acts of the Association;
14.2. The General Assembly with its decision considered that they are not correct, inexpedient or may cause damage to the Association.
The powers under para 1, items 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 may not be assigned to other bodies of the Association, except for the powers under para. 1, items 5 and 12 may be assigned to the Management Body of the Association.
The General Assembly is convened by the Management Body on its initiative or at the request of 1/3 of the members of the Association, formed in writing.
The General Assembly may be convened on the initiative of the Supervisory Board, through its reasoned decision in writing.
The convening of the General Assembly is by written invitation at least 7 days before the date of the meeting, sent by letter, fax, e-mail, delivered in person or otherwise, certifying the sending to the relevant member.
The invitation must contain the agenda, date, time and place of the meeting and on whose initiative it is convened, an indication of whether it is regular or extraordinary.
The meetings of the General Assembly are legal if more than 2/3 of the members of the Association are present. If the required quorum is not met, the meeting shall be adjourned for one hour with the same agenda and at the same place.
The Association keeps and maintains a Protocol Book, in which the minutes of the meetings of the General Assembly are entered, as well as of the meetings of the other collective governing bodies in accordance with this Statute.
Each member of the Association has the right to one vote in voting procedures, and voting is allowed with an explicit written notarized power of attorney. In this case, one person may not represent more than three members. Re-authorization is not allowed.
For issues that are not on the agenda, cannot be taken decisions.
The meetings of the General Assembly are regular and extraordinary.
Regular meetings are convened at least once a year in the first quarter.
Extraordinary meetings are convened:
1. At the initiative of the Management Body;
2. At the written request of 1/3 of the members of the Association;
3. Upon a motivated decision of the Supervisory Board.
Decisions of the General Assembly are taken by a majority of 2/3 of the members present.
Management Body
The Management Body is the General Manager who is elected by the General Assembly for a term of 5 years. Until the election of the new Management Body after the expiration of the order of the old one, the old one shall continue to perform its functions.
The General Manager has the following powers:
1. The General Manager represents the Association before all third parties;
2. Ensures the force of the decisions of the General Assembly;
3. The operative of the Association disposes of the needs of the requirements of the law, the Statute and the decisions of the General Assembly;
4. Prepares and submits in the fourth report of the convened General Assembly of the draft budget of the Association, as well as an annual report on the public benefit activities of the Association, which is submitted together with the annual financial report to the General Assembly;
5. Takes operational decisions for managing the activities of the Association;
6. Opening accounts, concluding and signing contracts, making payments and managing banking activities;
7. Takes decisions on all issues, which by law do not fall within the rights of another body;
8. Fulfillment of the obligations provided for in this Statute;
9. Performs all legal actions in the liquidation of the Association or appoints a person to follow it.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board is a collective governing body elected by the General Assembly for a term equal to the term of the Management Body. Until the election of the Supervisory Board after the expiration of old one, the old one shall continue to perform its functions.
The Supervisory Board consists of three members of the Association.
The Supervisory Board shall elect from among its members a Chairperson, whose term coincides with that of the Board.
The Supervisory Board meets at least once every three months and convenes:
1. by its Chairperson on his own initiative;
2. at the request of at least 1/3 of its members.
The Supervisory Board is convened by sending a written invitation to each of its members, sent by letter, fax, e-mail, delivered in person or in another way, certifying the sending to the respective member.
If the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board does not convene a meeting within one week from the date of receipt of the invitation, then it may be convened by any of its members. Meetings shall be chaired by the Chairperson or another person elected by the Board.
Meetings of the Supervisory Board are regular if more than half of its members are present. A person with whom he has a two-way telephone or other connection, guaranteeing the establishment of his identity and his participation in the discussions and decision-making, shall also be considered present. The votes of this member shall be certified by the signature of the Chairperson of the meeting.
A member absent may present his opinion in writing and express his opinion in writing with a notarized signature.
Decisions of the Supervisory Board are taken by a simple majority of those present. The Supervisory Board may take a decision without holding a meeting, if the minutes of this decision are signed by all its members without objections and remarks.
The Chairperson of the Supervisory Board has an equal vote with the other members of the Board in voting procedures.
The powers of the Supervisory Board are:
1. The lawful and expedient spending of the budget of the Association;
2. Disposal of the property of the Association;
3. Implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly;
4. The legality of the decisions taken by the governing body of the Association.
In order to perform its functions, the Supervisory Board has the right to request information and all kinds of documents from the Management Body of the Association;
The Supervisory Body may perform its control function upon receipt of a written signal from another governing body, as well as from any member of the Association. The Supervisory Board may also refer itself.
On the basis of the received data and documents, the Supervisory Body has the right with its decision to decide on the need to take adequate measures, as well as to request the convening of a General Assembly of the Association.
Development, implementation, management and monitoring of modern and secure infrastructures, platforms, systems, technologies, concepts, software architectures and solutions, including through research to achieve high technological progress, digitalization, intelligent transformation, creating conditions for electronic governance based on data in favor of accelerated economic development of the public and private sector in the country and building a favorable digital environment for the benefit of citizens, businesses, research organizations and non-government organizations, through activities in:
Direction “System Technologies”
Building, management and monitoring of information and communication centers for data processing.
Building, management and monitoring of information and communication technology infrastructures, platforms and systems.
Building, management and monitoring of solutions based on renewable sources of energy – wind energy, solar energy, hydro power, ocean energy, geothermal energy, biomass and bio fuels.
Design, implementation, management and monitoring of system technology solutions – fault tolerance, redundancy of information and data, disk virtualization, server virtualization, desktop virtualization, application virtualization, NGFW, WAF, IDS/IPS, DLP, IAM, EPP, SIEM, AMS, (D)DoS, etc.
Direction “Software technologies“:
Development and applying of software concepts and requirements.
Design of software architectures.
Software programming.
Software testing.
Design, implementation, management, maintenance and decommissioning of software solutions and application information systems, platforms and services.
Direction “Innovative technologies“
Participation in research, development, implementation and management of innovative technologies and solutions based on high-speed communications, quantum computers, robots and robotic products, medical devices, artificial embryos, DNA reporting cards, telemedicine, digital marketing, digitalization, smart cities and smart homes, drones, cloud services, machine learning, artificial intelligence, real-time data, international, national and corporate cybersecurity, 3D printing, virtual reality, nanotechnology, etc.
Direction “Technological consulting services“
Consulting services in the field of information and communication technologies, information security and legal compliance.
Development, documentation and adaptation of policies, procedures, instructions, practices and plans.
Audits and inspections related to system and software technologies and their information security.
Performing tests to identify technical vulnerabilities in communication networks, system infrastructures, application information systems and mobile applications.
Consultations to prevent international, national and corporate cyberattacks.
Direction “Technological trainings and development of innovations“
Managing trainings in the field of information and communication technologies and information security.
Direction “Coaching“
Establishing public-private partnerships to build an effective and sustainable ecosystem of technological innovation in e-governance based on data and cybersecurity to deal with crises and emergencies, as well as to meet public and global challenges.
Develop and applies innovative approaches, methodologies and other instruments aimed at finding solutions to common problems in Bulgaria and achieving European cohesion related to reducing economic and social disparities and strengthening relations between Bulgaria and European countries.
Promotes capacity building and long-term sustainability of the civil society in Bulgaria, by promoting its role.
Promotes active citizenship, support for democratic culture and human rights and values.
Encourages the development of entrepreneurship, the creation of new jobs, especially among vulnerable groups of young people starting micro and small enterprises, by providing comprehensive services – information, counseling, knowledge and skills transfer, through training, mentoring and support for funding, building partnerships.
Aassists people in different age groups and their activities related to the promotion of lifelong learning in formal, informal and informal, as well as improving their professional qualities and personal competences, including initiative, entrepreneurship, intercultural dialogue, development of social and civic skills, language and computer skills.
Promotes social inclusion, enhances well-being and quality of life, and empowers vulnerable people, including young people, people with disabilities, the elderly, people at risk, the long-term unemployed, the inactive (NEETs), etc.
Expands the scope of social partnership to enable the participation of the broad circle of representatives of institutions and non-governmental organizations working in the field of providing services for socially vulnerable people.
Provides support and development for social entrepreneurship and economic growth, professional integration in social enterprises, including through the development and implementation of plans for the development of a social and solidarity economy.
Represents and protects the interests of young people and supports the implementation of cross-sectoral youth policies.
Supports the improvement of practices and initiatives, including innovation in education, digitalization and technical progress.
Develops or supports the development of innovative interactive educational materials and practical modules for the acquisition of new knowledge and skills through online platforms for learning, developing video and interactive learning materials.
Helps to implement, expand existing and promote innovative practices for preventing and exacerbating socio-economic problems.
Helps to strike a balance between professional and private life, including through the promotion of gender equality and economic empowerment of women, as well as the creation of social benefits for working people.
Supports the organization of cultural, educational and social activities of young people, improve social integration of young people in all areas of the socio-economic and social life of the country
Promotes European values, promotes youth initiative for employment and sustainable development of society.
Conducts activities aimed at children and young people and offers alternatives for solving and tackling the challenges of the new age through various forms.
Develops and implements various youth projects and initiatives, social enterprises aimed at reaching and engaging young people in activities useful to them and society.
Implements initiatives related to the provision of social services for children and people with disabilities, including management and provision.
Encourages the provision of services to facilitate the socio-economic and labor integration of various vulnerable groups, including the unemployed and inactive, persons belonging to ethnic minorities and bilinguals, people with disabilities and at risk in society to promote their initiative and future social and professional realization.
Encourages and promotes volunteering and voluntary initiatives.
Participates in the development of mechanisms for providing quality and accessible services in accordance with the needs and interests of citizens they, including vulnerable groups of people.
Develop and participate in projects and programs funded by European and others donor programs and funds, Bulgarian state funds, programs of foreign governments and other funding institutions related to the activities aimed at achieving the aims of the Association.
Encourages cross-border cooperation between Bulgarian and foreign organizations and/or experts in order to exchange experiences, transfer, share and validate good practices in technological progress, digitalization, education, culture, solving socio-economic problems and achieving sustainable development of society, development of corporate social responsibility and other significant social problems.
Strives to reduce the aggression and anti-social behavior of young people by increasing their interest in the field of culture, art, technology, sports and others areas.
Develops and participates in initiatives to support children and young people placed in institutions by providing and developing appropriate services in response to their needs.
Develops and participates in the development of local, regional, national strategic documents in all spheres of public life of interest and affecting the socio-economic development of citizens.
Raises citizens’ awareness of important public problems and innovative solutions to address them, including by organizing information campaigns, producing printed and multimedia information materials, organizing seminars, conferences, round tables, public discussions, conducting surveys and other related activities by informing a wide public.
Supports capacity building in the public and non-governmental sectors by implementing, applying and/or facilitating the exchange of scientific innovations and developments, good practices, experience and information, analysis and research, including national, cross-border and international level.
Interacts with central and local authorities and institutions and assists them in the preparation of strategies, policies, studies, SWOT analyzes, expert assessments and opinions.
Supports socio-economic development by promoting cultural cooperation, exchange and entrepreneurship, facilitating access to art and culture, attracting new audiences and improving the management of cultural heritage.
Supports and develops innovative practices in the field of tourism, increase the tourist attractiveness of Bulgaria, creating networks for sustainable development of the potential of tourism and partners.
Enhances the vocational training and qualifications of citizens, promotes the acquisition of new competences through training courses, seminars, etc.
Improves the quality and contributes to the protection and restoration of environment in relation to climate change, increasing energy efficiency and reducing the harmful effects on nature, including increasing the involvement of citizens on a regional and international scale, support for improving approaches to increasing the level of citizen participation in public decision-making for improving the future socio-economic development of society.
Promotes the preservation of traditions and national-historical memory.
Achieves continuous improvement of the professional qualifications of its members, partners and target groups.Supports their professional growth, personal competencies and the expansion of n and their expertise.
Contributes to the promotion of European values and the sustainable socio-economic development of society.
Methods of Achieving Aims
To achieve its aims the Association is going to use the following methods:
1. Development and participation in Bulgarian and International programs and projects, Bulgarian state funds, programs of foreign governments and other funding institutions to achieve the aims of the Association;
2. Development and participation in Bulgarian and International projects for digitalization, creation of concepts and solutions for a completely new environment for innovative and intelligent economic development and management based on research and development; to overcome national, territorial, interregional differences and challenges; achieving favorable interaction and flexibility in various directions in favor of economic and social recovery and development of the country; achieving the priorities of the green and digital transition; developing competitiveness and improving people’s quality of life;
3. Building and promoting partnerships with international, state and municipal institutions, business and non-governmental Bulgarian and international organizations working within the aims of the Association;
4. Transfer and validation of knowledge and skills through innovative approaches, methodologies and other tools, including the development and implementation of educational, informational and qualification programs and the provision of advice and mentoring to achieve European cohesion;
5. Development and dissemination of programs, analyzes, research, strategies, concepts, systems, solutions for the realization of the aims of the Association;
6. Provision of services (financial, legal, strategic, consulting) in the development, search and discovery of technologies, know-how, intellectual property, patents, utility models, innovative solutions, etc.;
7. Cross-border, transnational and international cooperation in the form of development, transfer and validation of innovations, capacity building and exchange of experience, knowledge and good practices;
8. Mediation, mentoring and assistance in the development of new teams, organizations and companies;
9. Development and implementation of educational programs, various forms of training and qualification for the implementation of the main aims of the Association;
10. Information and public activity, implementation of other services and activities related to technological progress and innovation in accordance with the aims of the Association;
11. Organizing and conducting conferences, seminars, meetings, round tables and other events with national and international participation;
12. Conduct and participate in consultations, including public and stakeholder consultations;
13. Participation in the dialogue between central and local authorities, representatives of large, medium and small businesses, the non-governmental sector and the research sector, as well as organizing public events and events to improve coordination between the various stakeholders in pursuit of the aims of the Association;
14. Partnership with state and local government bodies, business, citizens and the NGO sector to implement policies and measures set out in European, national and regional strategic documents to meet public and global challenges, strengthen dialogue and promote civic participation in the processes on the formulation of monitoring and implementation of policies.
Business Model
In order to achieve its aims, through the determined methods for achieving the aims, the Association is going to apply the shown Business Model.
The business model reflects the relationships between, TECHPROGRESS Association, the Clients of the Association, the Members of the Association, the Suppliers of the Association and the Recruitment Agencies.
The main method for achieving the aims of the Association is the Project Management Office (PMO) of the Association. The PMO is going to manage all programs and projects in the Association, which are created and managed
for the benefit of the Clients of the Association. For the realization of its projects, TECHPROGRESS is going to use the knowledge and skills of Members GURU of the Association, Members of the Association, Members in coaching of
the Association and the Suppliers of the Association.
The Clients of the Association are individuals, companies, associations, governments, etc., which need the services of TECHPROGRESS.
The Members GURU of the Association are all members who have expert knowledge and skills, lead projects and teams and coach members of the Association.
The Members of the Association are all members who have expert knowledge and skills and participate in projects and teams.
The Members in coaching of the Association are all members who have expert knowledge and skills, participate in projects and teams, while their knowledge and skills are constantly improved by Members GURU, through specialized training and practical guidance in connection with the specifics of the project/the projects in which/which they participate.
The Suppliers of the Association are all individuals, companies, associations, etc. that provide external services to the Association in connection with quality and reliable implementation of TECHPROGRESS’s projects.
It is permissible for the Association to provide its members in support of Recruitment Agencies, as well as directly to its Clients, in order to implement their own internal projects.
All relationships in the Business Model are based on Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs), Master Agreements (MAs), Contract Agreements (CAs), Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Agreements for services, Agreements for consulting, Agreements
for coaching, Agreements for work, Agreements for recruitment, Agreements for support, etc.